In the time period from 2010 to 2013, we undertook the creation of the automation of the heat meter reading network creation for AS Rigas siltums. More than 7,000 client connection points were equipped with remote data reading capabilities to ensure efficient daily operations and optimise data reading and processing costs. Currently, it is the largest telemetry project in Latvia and one of the largest in the Baltics.
The automatic reading ofheat meter data was automatically integrated in the AS Rigas siltums technical data system, allowing them to use the company’s services. This solution helps to quickly and efficiently detect objects, which, in substations have an elevated heat transfer temperature or low temperature difference, as well as for the rapid detection of damage in plant substations, thus allowing the user to quickly remove the defects in the workings of hot water or heating operation, circulation pump stop or damage instances, as well as keep track of and monitor the changes in the functioning of the heat exchanger, noting, for example, clogs or internal damage.